tiistai 20. huhtikuuta 2010

Pysähtyneisyys / Stagnation

My newest works that aren't quite finished yet. And the three last ones are practical works.

Pesä, 2010 (Nest)
Oil on canvas, 100 x 80cm

Kuuro Maria, 2010 (Deaf Maria)
Oil on canvas, 60 x 80cm

Horros, 2010 (Lethargy)
Oil on canvas, 50 x 60cm

Practical work: we had a picture (Manet's The Lunch on the Grass) in another room where we always went to look at it. And then we returned to our place and tried to paint from memory.
Acryl on canvas

Here we chose a picture/photo and "copied" with different styles. On the right is with thick paint and on the left is with really small brush.
Acryl on canvas

On the right is with really big brush and on the left is by trickling the paint.

sunnuntai 21. helmikuuta 2010

Back for good

It's been a long time since I last time updated my blog. But I don't have so much to show, yet. I'm working on couple of paintings in school and I trying to make pretasks to schools I'm applying. So maybe you'll see those works too :) But here's four paintings I made for christmas gifts.

Acryl and wallpaper on wood

Acryl and wallpaper on canvas

Acryl and wallpaper on canvas

Acryl and wallpaper on wood